Huffington Post: A taste of the millennial perspective on TCU campus

Huffington Post: A taste of the millennial perspective on TCU campus

Ali StrattonContributing Political Reporter

In light of “Super Tuesday,” the most important date thus far of the 2016 primary elections, we drove to the Texas Christian University campus today in Fort Worth, Texas, to get millennial students’ perspectives on the imminent elections. We arrived on campus eager to hear who students voted for.

However, after stationing ourselves in the center of campus, we initially received just one response to our question “Hey, have you voted?” That answer was no. Most of the students we ended up talking to hadn’t voted, but they were either planning on voting, or didn’t vote not due to a lack of interest, but due to difficulties in voter registration.

Gradually, however, we discovered several trends. First, we found that the millenials at TCU did not follow the general trends we are seeing in the mainstream media. Not one student was a Trump or Cruz supporter. Additionally, many said that although Bernie Sanders has ideas that sound great, realistically, he won’t be able to implement them. The second trend we found was students not voting because they viewed registration either as a hassle, or confusing. …

Read the rest at http://www.huffingto…_b_9362786.html



