FWST: Reds’ Finnegan to pitch in TCU Alumni Game on Saturday

Reds’ Finnegan to pitch in TCU Alumni Game on Saturday

By Carlos Mendezcmendez@star-telegram.com

Brandon Finnegan of the Cincinnati Reds is scheduled to start against Rex Hill of TCU, who is expected to be part of the starting rotation when the season begins, in the Horned Frogs’ annual Alumni Game on Saturday at Lupton Stadium.

Admission is free for the 1 p.m. first pitch.

The alumni team, led by former TCU coach Lance Brown, is expected to include 17 former players now playing professionally, including Bryan Holaday and Chad Huffman of the Detroit Tigers, Jason Coats of the Chicago White Sox, Stefan Crichton of the Baltimore Orioles, Paul Hendrix of the Cleveland Indians, Andrew Mitchell and Matt Purke of the Chicago White Sox, Trevor Seidenberger of the San Diego Padres, Jantzen Witte of the Boston Red Sox and Kyle Winkler of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.

Ten players from last season’s TCU team are also on the alumni roster — Tyler Alexander, Garrett Crain, Jeremie Fagnan, Riley Ferrell, Cody Jones, Keaton Jones, Preston Morrison, Derek Odell, Trey Teakell and Alex Young. Seven of those players are in professional baseball. …

Read more at http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/college/big-12/texas-christian-university/article60045871.html



