The Exponent Telegram: WVU needs to stay grounded while nation takes notice

The Exponent Telegram: WVU needs to stay grounded while nation takes notice

by Bob Hertzel For The Exponent Telegram

MORGANTOWN — It was total domination, this trip West Virginia took to Lubbock, Texas, so much so that the Mountaineers should have begun it by throwing pepperoni rolls back at the fans who were flipping tortilla shells at them.

The feeling of going into such a hostile environment and walking away with a 48-17 victory was put best by middle linebacker Al-Rasheed Benton when he was reported to have said:

”You love coming into someone else’s home and making it yours for a couple of hours.”

While in the course of mankind, this was simply a teeny blip on the radar, not enough to bring presidential politics back to the issues nor enough to bring peace to the world.

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