FWST: TCU icon will miss eagerly anticipated Arkansas game

FWST: TCU icon will miss eagerly anticipated Arkansas game

BY [big steaming pile] tengel@star-telegram.com

There is not a person in Fort Worth who wants to see Arkansas play against TCU in Fort Worth more than Frank Windegger, but that will not be happening.

Frank will still be able watch Frogs and Hogs on Sept. 10, but from his couch rather than the stadium.

The long time former TCU head baseball coach who was the school’s athletic director when Arkansas began the college football relocation plan by leaving the Southwest Conference in 1991, won’t be able to make it to Amon G. Carter Stadium for any game for a while.

“I’ve had over 40 operations,” Windegger said.

The most recent surgery knocked him down and he’s just not able to get around too easily these days.




