FWST: Questions for Patterson: A guide for Big 12 media

FWST: Questions for Patterson: A guide for Big 12 media

BY GIL LEBRETON glebreton@star-telegram.com

Twenty years have passed since the last Skywriters Tour DC-3 chugged down the runway in Stillwater.

Nowadays, to gather the conference’s preseason football scoop, the media convenes in ballrooms at a fancy hotel in Dallas or Kansas City and the coaches go to them.

They travel lightly, as it turns out.

Some head coaches — ahem! — don’t even bring their starting quarterback. Others conveniently forget to pack recollections of their players’ off-season mischief.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/gil-lebreton/article90221702.html#storylink=cpy




