FWST: Next step for TCU ex Andy Dalton: Escape Cincinnati’s Jungle

FWST: Next step for TCU ex Andy Dalton: Escape Cincinnati’s Jungle

BY [big steaming pile]

For those of us who are Andy Dalton fans, the worst scenario has entrapped the red-headed Frog of Fort Worth.

He is stuck in Cincinnati surrounded by a cast of dummies and an organization that together are his professional football tomb.

We like to talk about sports curses. Yet there is no curse against the Cincinnati Bengals but rather depressingly inept ownership that makes the Dallas Cowboys look like Apple Inc.

Andy needs to escape Cincinnati, but he won’t because he’s too nice. Be a jerk, get out while you’re still young.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/mac-engel/article68432082.html#storylink=cpy



