FWST: Schlossnagle celebrates TCU victory record with ‘perfect’ night at home

FWST: Schlossnagle celebrates TCU victory record with ‘perfect’ night at home

By Carlos Mendez cmendez@star-telegram.com

Jim Schlossnagle became TCU’s winningest baseball coach Sunday and then did some of his favorite things.

“My wife is out of town, so I spent the evening with my children, got online and checked out all the box scores from all the games — I’m a big college baseball fan — and just hung out at home,” he said. “Perfect night.”

But no big cake with “518” on it?

“No,” he said with a laugh. “The video they made was celebration enough. That was a tear-jerker right there. I think I’ve watched it 10 or 11 times.” ..

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